Central Highlands District Freemasons Victoria Australia

District Information

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Our Principles Make a Difference!

District Masonic Meeting Places

Early History of Freemasonry in the Ballarat Area

(Please contact the WebMaster if you have any comments or suggestions.)


Former Masonic Centres in the Area

Peel Street, Ballarat
Dawson Street South, Ballarat
Camp Street, Ballarat

Sebastopol Masonic Complex 2013

Albert Street, Sebastopol
Exterior | Interior



Former Masonic Meeting Places in Ballarat



Ballaguay Hotel, Black Hill
Bath's Hotel (Now Craig's Royal Hotel)
Clarendon Hotel
George Hotel
Yarrowee Hotel
Exchange Hotel
Rainbow Hotel
North Star Hotel
Unicorn Hotel
British Queen Hotel
Masonic Temple, Camp Street
Orchestral Hall, Dana Street
Masonic Temple, Peel Street
Masonic Hall, Dawson Street South
Masonic Temple, Albert Street, Sebastopol
Hotel, Buninyong


Further Information:

A.A.W Steane wrote a monograph in 1957 titled, 'Ballarat Freemasonic Records 1854-1957'. It is no longer in print but copies are available for loan from the National Library of Australia.

Dorothy Wickham, a Ballarat based historian, has written an historical account of Freemasonry on the Goldfields, called "Freemasons on the Goldfields: Ballarat and District 1853- 2013", published by Ballarat Heritage Services in 2013.

Historical Walking Tour of Ballarat - http://www.ballarat.com/walkheritage.htm
Many of Ballarat's Heritage buildings in particular show Masonic influences in their design as a result of several prominent architects being Freemasons.

Former Ballarat Masonic Complex: 20 Peel Street North, Bakery Hill - http://www.ballaratbuildings.com/ballarat-masonic-complex-20-peel-street-nth-bakery-hill/


Disclaimer: This information is presented in good faith and has been based on a variety of sources. It does not represent the views or opinions of the Central Highlands District Freemasons, Freemasons Victoria or any other organisation.